02February25 - Weekends are for Shady Shit

I spent Friday and Saturday doing two things:

1) Glorying, reveling, marveling at the physical relief I felt after I started a new medicine that almost instantly began to alleviate a painful health issue I’ve been dealing with for over a year. I just spent a little bit of time enjoying the return of my strength and vitality.

We’re all going to need times where we can just take a minute off, and enjoy being alive.

2) Using that newly recovered strength and vitality to prepare for what’s ahead in the next couple weeks — tariffs spiking prices, supply chain issues from the harvests being left to rot in the fields because of a lack of farm workers, and the imminent collapse of the stock market.

I stocked up on canned, frozen, jarred, and dried produce, I cooked down and froze 6lbs of collard greens, and juiced and froze 12lbs of lemons, and 12lbs of limes. I bought and stored chocolate, coffee, vanilla, sugar, and flour before prices spike.

I live in a townhouse. I have no back yard, no garage, no attic. I have very little space for long term storage and no place to plant a victory garden. But I’m doing my best with what I have to hedge against an uncertain financial future.

But even with all of that, the news came creeping through, because it’s extremely obvious that the fascists are using the weekend to do their most outrageous, shadiest shit, hoping that the rest of the country is like I’ve been the last two days — trying to enjoy life, and prepare for the storm ahead.

What Are The Fascists Up To Today?

Focus on the autocoup:

Erica Wilkinson